Version Control — D197

Navigating the Challenges of D197 Version Control: A Student's Perspective

In the world of education, effective instruction and support are paramount to the success of students. However, in the case of the D197 version control class, some students, including myself, have faced significant hurdles due to disorganization, lack of clarity, and a shortage of support from staff members.

Unraveling the Unorganization

One of the primary issues that students encounter in the D197 version control class is the unorganized nature of the course materials and instructions. As a student who enjoys structured learning, I found it frustrating that the course lacked a clear roadmap. Instructions often felt disjointed and out of sequence. For example, the order of tasks (A and B) in the course material was perplexing, leaving students wondering whether they should upload the first screenshot of the repository graph via the GitLab interface or if it was necessary at all.

The Paradox of Vague Rubrics

Another point of contention stems from the rubrics used for assessment. In particular, rubric A3's requirement regarding the screenshot of the current repository graph in GitLab raised eyebrows. The rubric stated, "The screenshot of the current repository graph in GitLab is inaccurate. Or the screenshot does not show all the changes made in part A." This requirement becomes paradoxical when considering that, in part A, there should be no changes to the repository's contents. Such ambiguities only serve to confuse and frustrate students.

Master vs. Main Branch

Furthermore, the course materials reference a "master" branch that does not exist in GitLab. This inconsistency adds to the confusion, as it contradicts the platform's standard "main" branch nomenclature. This discrepancy underscores the importance of maintaining clear and up-to-date course materials.

Lack of Support

Perhaps one of the most concerning aspects of the D197 version control class is the apparent lack of support from staff members. Unclear directions have created issues for both evaluators and students. The rubric itself contains vague references, such as "given requirements," which should be explicitly stated rather than requiring students to seek them out. These issues leave students feeling unsupported and make it difficult for them to succeed in the class.


In conclusion, the D197 version control class presents several challenges that hinder the learning experience for students. These issues include unorganized course materials, paradoxical rubrics, inconsistencies with GitLab terminology, and a lack of support from staff members. As a student who values structured and clear instruction, I hope that these concerns can be addressed to improve the overall learning experience for future students.

This article aims to shed light on these challenges, with the hope that the course can be restructured and clarified to better serve the educational goals of students.

                                #!/usr/bin/env sh
# author: Tegan Burns
# website:

VC - D197 - on Github

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