MPU-9150 Driver

This driver was one of my first advanced programming experiences that I tackled sometime in middle or early high school. The program is written in SPIN, a language for the Parallax Propeller microcontroller.

Before the Arduino platform was mainstream there was a more varried selection of microcontrollers to choose from, the parallax propeller was one of them. The Propeller is a multicore microcontroller with it's own IDE, eight cores that each have access to all 32 I/O pins and internal shared memory for simplified system integration and data conveyance among processes. The MPU-910 was, at the time, a brand new 9-axis IMU that I wanted to integrate into an autonomous drone project. There was no driver to interface the IMU and I needed to write one by hand using the product's datasheet.

The driver uses i2c to communicate with the microcontroller and will return the accelrometer, gyroscope, and compass data in the x, y and z axies.

MPU-9150 Driver - on Github